Saturday, December 4, 2010

English Class+Inquiry Class=Same Students in Both?

When I found out we were going to be with the same class for inquiry and english I didn't know what to think. I have never had everyone in the same class be in two classes together. I didn't know what to expect. It turned out I really liked having it this way. We all became comfortable with each other because we had two classes together. I knew I could talk to anyone if I had a problem, and I think we all felt this way. We are not only classmates, but we became friends. The downside to having the same students in two classes is you don't meet as many other people. If we had different students in the classes than we could make more friends with the different student. You're missing out on meeting twenty different students that can also be your friends. Although this is true, I did overall like having the same students in both the classes. I will miss them a lot next semester. If we were stressed about something, we were usually stressed together and could talk about it and help each other. We got very comfortable with each other and could talk about our problems and knew everyone was there for us. I know some of us have some classes together next semester so we will stay in touch. If we don't have a class together, I'm sure students will still stay in touch because we formed a bond by being together for six hours a week instead of just three. I am going to miss this class of students and it was great to meet everyone.

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