Saturday, December 11, 2010

Successes vs. Failures...Which will win?

In my first semester here at Southern Connecticut State University I have had some great successes as well as some failures. I have done very well so far at balancing out my priorities. I have maintained good grades, as well as participating in gymnastics. Although I have had some bad grades on tests, overall I did anything I could to make sure my grade was not affected that badly. If I did not do well on a quiz or test, or any assignment, I talked to my professor to see what I could do to make sure I wouldn’t fail again. I do not like to fail, but some subjects are hard for me. For example, history is very hard for me to begin with, but this semester I took Western Civilization. Some history classes interests me, however this one did not at all. It was very hard for me to stay focused during the lectures which meant I didn’t take good notes. By not taking good notes, this affected my grades on the tests. After my first bad grade, I made sure I took better notes and paid attention more, so I could do better on the next test. This was really my only failure of the semester. Other than a few bad grades, everything else was a success. I have been doing well in my other classes, and in gymnastics. The only weakness I would have is getting distracted if my friends were doing something. I know what I have to do for next semester to be successful and I am looking forward to accomplishing it.

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