Saturday, November 6, 2010

Go the Extra Mile!

On tuesday in class, we talked more about grade inflation. We discussed the articles we read and elaborated on them. We talked how students believe by just handing in an assignment they deserve an A even if they didn't put any effort in. By just handing in an assignment and not putting effort in, it's probably an average piece of work which would be a C. If you put effort in you would probably receive a B. However, if you take that extra step and put in a lot of effort thats when you get the A. I think students feel that they automatically should get an A by just doing what the teachers ask. If a teacher assigns a paper and says everything that needs to be in there, and a student does it, does that mean it should be an A? This is a hard question to answer. Everyones opinion is probably different. Some people may think that yes, if they did everything they were supposed to, then they should receieve an A. However, others may feel that they should put the extra effort in and put more into it than what is expected. I think this varries with your professor. Some may be more lenient then others. I believe on every assignment you should put your all into it and show that you are putting effort in. Try to go that extra mile and show that you are working hard and putting more into then what they want. If you do this and still do not get the grade you wanted or expected then go talk to the professor and see what you are doing wrong. There are always things to work on. Keep trying so you can get to your goal and where you want to be.   

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