Saturday, November 6, 2010

How Do You Get Rid of Stress?

What is stress? Stress is a physical and emotional response to pressure. You can feel stressed by a job, school, or pretty much anything in your life. When I feel stressed I usually talk to friends or family. They always know the right thing to say to help me feel better. Whether it is about school or gymnastics or whatever, they always help me feel better. If I can't talk to them I like to watch television or a movie. That always takes my mind off of everything. I like to go off into my own little world and not worry about anything. It keeps me distracted and I am more relaxed. I know everyone is different with what helps them relax, but I like to get my mind off of whatever is stressing me out. You could go hang out with friends to distract you. Go to the mall, or the movies or just go out and get your mind off of everything. Other ways to help relieve stress is yoga, meditation, and making lists. You can make lists about what is making you stressed and trying to work it out step by step. I was stressed about a test and I made a list about what I was going to do. I divided the information on the test into parts and studied them every day until the test. Making lists is definitely a helpful way to relieve stress. If you are feeling stressed just tell yourself it is going to be ok. Freaking out and worrying about the situation is not going to help, it is only going to make things worse. Just try any of these suggestions or anything that works for you. It will help and you will feel a lot better once you are relaxed.

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