Saturday, November 20, 2010

Varsity Team Captain!

It was my senior year of high school and going to be my fourth year on the varsity gymnastics team. My friend and I were the only girls who have been on varsity since freshman year. When it came time to vote for captains I was nervous. There were six senior girls that the team and coaches could choose from. Although I was always very nice and helpful to everyone, I wasn't sure if they were going to pick me. Personally, when I think about who should get captain of a sports team, I think it should be the people who are the best and know the most about the sport. Also, someone who could help inspire the team and keep a positive energy. My friend and I were the only girls out of the seniors who did gymnastics outside of school, so obviously we had more skills because we have been doing it longer and more. We thought, along with many others that it was going to be us as captains, however this was not the case. My friend had a very bad attitude and really only cared about herself. So it was a not a shock to me when she didn't get captain. I was very excited when I heard my coach's call my name as one of the captains. I thought I deserved it and would be a great captain and leader of the team. My self and two other girls were captains. Although I didn't think one of them deserved to be captain she ended up proving herself and was a good captain. We always made sure to motivate the girls and keep a positive energy. If anyone had a problem we tried to resolve it and deal with it. As one of the leaders on the team, I knew I had to step up and do everything I could for us to be good. Everyone had fun that year and always had a smile on their face. Overall I think I was a very good captain and I really stepped up to be a good leader. At the end of the school year, there was a varsity awards dinner. I got the leadership award for my high schools varsity athletic club. I was very honored to win this award and am very proud.

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