Saturday, November 13, 2010

What does it mean to be Intellectually stimulated?

I think intellectually stimulated is something that makes you think. For example a class. It can be a class that gets you thinking like philosophy, astronomy, history classes or pretty much any class you take. If i had to choose a class that makes me intellectually stimulated, I would have to say it is inquiry. Before inquiry I was not creative at all. I hated writing, and was bad at coming up with creative ideas. I feel that having to write blogs every week has definitely made me intellectually stimulated. I feel that the quality of my writing has increased a lot since the beginning of the year. Every week I feel more and more confident about writing them. Also, for the midterm project I learned a lot. I was not very computer savy before the project. I learned how to use imovie which will be useful in the future, especially for the final project. I learned how to make slides, put music in, put pictures and videos in it, and so much more. I feel like my creativeness is coming out by doing the video projects because you have to be creative for it to look good. This class really gets me thinking about everything we do. Whether it be the readings, the blogs, or the projects. Overall, I believe my inquiry class is the class where I feel intellectually stimulated.  

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