Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jumping Over Hurdles as a Freshman!

Not only am I the normal freshman that has to adjust with being away from home, the college life, classes, homework, trying out and making an athletic team, doing my own wash for the first time, and everything else, my chocolate lab, Candy, was diagnosed with diabetes in the beginning of the school year. Also, before I left for college, we realized my cat Blitzen, had a lump on his back. So on top  of all of these things I had to adjust to, I was now worrying about them from a distance. A couple months later, when I went home for the first time in October, we brought Blitzen to the vet where he was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and was put down a couple days later. I had to come back to school knowing that I would never see Blitzen again and had to deal with this away from my family. Thank god for skype and all of these new technologies because I was able to talk to and see my family over a computer, so it felt like I was there with them. This was a big struggle for me because it was the first time I lost someone I loved. The things that I said earlier in this blog, that are usually a hurdle for freshman, turned out to be a good distraction to keep my mind off of what happened. Another issue I have had so far this semester, is being in a dorm room and dealing with complications this could cause. For example, I live in Farnham Hall, and there is constant construction. I have to deal with hearing loud construction work being done every day and trying to focus and get my work done with all of the distractions. Also, because of the construction the heat was not turned on until about a week ago, so we were freezing in my dorm. With this being my first year at college, and jumping over these hurdles, I am convinced that I will be able handle anything thrown my way in the future.

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