Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blogging, Blogging, Blogging!

When I first found out I would have to write blogs every week I had a negative outlook on it. I don’t usually enjoy writing and especially when it is for school. However, since I have been writing my blogs, I enjoy writing more and more. I can say what I want and how I feel. I get to give my opinion on things without anyone telling me it is wrong. Blogging is a way to freely write what you want. I like writing my blogs as well as reading others to see what they have to say.
One of the blogs I enjoy reading is Lo Bosworth’s. Lo was on the shows Laguna Beach and The Hills. I watched them and she always seemed to be a fun and outgoing person. When I saw she had a blog I wanted to read it because I knew it would be entertaining and fun to read.  Lo writes her blogs in a way that is enjoyable for the readers. She writes about fun, girly topics like makeup, working out, shopping and dating.  If you want to read a fun blog you should read hers at The Lo Down.
Another blog I like to read is Nastia Liukin's blog. She is the 2008 Olympic all around champion in gymnastics. She has always been a role model of mine and I look up to her. I strive to be like her and I enjoy reading her blogs. They talk about her life and what she does. I enjoy reading them because it is a way to see what she is doing whether it be gymnastics or just working on her clothing line. If you enjoy gymnastics or are a fan of Nastia I suggest that you read her blogs.

To Get My Work Done Now or Not To Get My Work Done Now… That is the Question.

Being an athlete I feel I have to manage my time more than a regular student. Not only do I have to get my school work done on time, I have to plan to get it done around my practice times.  It is hard to manage our time because we are now responsible for ourselves in college. No one is here to push us or say your work has to get done, it’s all on us. If you do a sport, it is mandatory to go to study hall at least 5 hours a week. This is very helpful because we are given this time to do our work and get it done and to manage my time with my assignments.
Another issue with getting work done is distractions. I get distracted easily whether it be friends, or T.V. or going out. I try not to procrastinate and to get my work done right away. So far I can say I have made good decisions and have gotten all of my work done on time. I make sure I do my work before anything else. My teammates and I usually study together and encourage each other to get it done. Most college students will pick going out over doing their work, however it is different for me. Because I am an athlete and need to keep a certain g.p.a. I make sure all of my work is done. I usually make a schedule and plan times where I know I will have no distractions. So far I am proud of myself with the way I manage my time and hopefully I will keep doing the same thing throughout the school year.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Southern Family

So far at southern I love it. I feel at home and have made so many close friends. The gymnastics team is honestly like my family. We do everything together from eating, practicing or just hanging out. On Saturday we did the day of service. We started our morning by getting breakfast at Conn. Then we got our t-shirts and went to board the bus.  We went to downtown New Haven and cleaned up the streets. The community of New Haven was very thankful for us helping them out. A few of the residents even started to help us clean up. It was a great day and I loved getting involved.
This week gymnastics practice started. I was nervous but very excited to start practicing again. I am concerned that I will start to get stressed with having to worry about gymnastics and my school work, but so far it has been ok. After practice on Friday, we went to Hamden and climbed Sleeping Giant. It was difficult to make it to the top but with my teammates encouraging everyone, it was a very fun experience. At the top there was a stone observation tower that looked like a castle. The view was amazing and worth the hike. You could see the Long Island Sound and the New Haven area. Although the hike was difficult it was a great experience with my team and coach. It was a good way to bond with everyone. I am looking forward to all of our future adventures.

Outcasts United

Since when do college students have summer reading? I asked this to myself during orientation when we were handed the book Outcasts United. I thought we would be done with summer reading now that we are out of high school, but I was wrong. I didn’t know what to expect when I started reading this book. I was nervous it would be a book I wasn’t interested in and that I would have a hard time reading it, which wasn’t the case. I thought it was a great story with many learning experiences in it.
I went to the talk with the author of the novel, Warren St. John. I thought he made the talk exciting and entertaining. I was interested with what he was saying and the stories he was sharing. The stories he talked about were interesting and intriguing. He talked about writing his first book and how that led to writing his second book, Outcasts United. When Warren was talking about the book he asked, “How did kids from different countries connect and play as a team?” He said it was a common goal to win. The refugees that moved to Atlanta, Georgia, which is where the book takes place, all found something in common…soccer. Soccer united them and made them feel more at home. Their soccer team is called the Fugees, who is actually coached by Luma who moved to America from another country just like the fugees. They got to make friends from different countries and connect with them through soccer. I could never imagine what the refugees felt when they had to leave their country and move to another one. Overall, I thought Warren St. John did an excellent job writing this novel explaining what the refugees went through and adjusting to living in America.  
The Fugees

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Week at College!

My college experience is different than other college students. I am on a sports team, so I have my teammates here with me which I have already met. I came into college with a group of friends which made me feel secure. Unlike other people who come to college not knowing anyone, I already had my group of friends, which made it an easier transition. I was very nervous for classes and to be on my own, but I adapted quickly and it feels normal. I was very scared that I would get homesick and miss my friends and family, however being here with my team makes me feel comfortable and at home.

One of the things that were a challenge for me was the amount of work I got in my classes. In high school I didn’t have that much homework, however as soon as I started classes here there was a lot. In my high school I had hap which you could take as a class and you just did your homework. That was very helpful to me because I could get my work done, and get help if I needed to. Here because I am on a sports team, we have to go to study tables. It helps a lot because I have to go and I know I will get my work done. Although I was stressed about the work load, as time goes on, I’m sure I will get better at managing my time.

What Technology Can Do To You

When we were assigned the readings, I was terrified. I thought it was going to be so much work and that I would have trouble understanding them. Although some of them were a little confusing to me, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I enjoyed reading most of them and learned some useful information. One of the articles I found interesting was the “10,000 Hours for Success”. I found that I could relate to it because I do gymnastics and have spent 10,000 hours if not more practicing. They say the more you practice what you do, the more likely you are to be successful. I find this true because if I didn’t practice all the hours I did, I would not be able to do what I do.

The one article I found to be the most interesting is the “Your Brain on Computers”. I read three of the articles which are “The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In”, “Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime”, and An Ugly Toll of Technology: Impatience and Forgetfulness”. All of these articles talk about how technology like cell phones and computers are influencing people. Parents are ignoring their children and focusing on their devices. Not only do these devices distract people, but it deprives the brain of downtime to rest. I know when I’m relaxing I will either be on the computer or watching T.V. I just learned that while you do that, your brain is not resting. So next time when I just want to relax, I will think twice before I jump to go on my computer or turn the T.V. on.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 Words that Describe Me

There are many words that can describe me as a person. The 5 words that come to my mind are ambitious, caring, stubborn, honest, and fun. I am very ambitious with my gymnastics and school work. I try very hard to win and do well when I compete in gymnastics. I also try to work very hard to get good grades.

Another word that describes me is caring. I’m a very compassionate person and care about other people’s feelings. I love and care for my friends and family a lot, along with my pets. I have always cared about animals and wanted to take care of them.

 I am sometimes very stubborn. If I have my mindset on something it’s very difficult to change my opinion. When I think I’m right, it’s almost impossible to convince me otherwise.

I am a very honest person. Before I came to school I went shopping to return a bathing suit I bought. I bought it online for buy one get one free, and I spent $40 on it. When I went to the store to return it, it rang up that I was getting $80 back. I could have kept my mouth shut and taken the money, but because I am an honest person I told them that it was buy one get one free and that I should only get $40 back. The people were grateful that I told the truth and it made me feel good to do the right thing.

The last word that describes me is fun. I am a very outgoing person and fun to be around. I love playing games and just having fun. I have the best times when I’m with my friends.

College Life

I can’t believe I’m here at SCSU. I remember applying and thinking it was so far away when it came so fast. This is an all new experience and I’m in charge of everything I do. No one is going to make me do anything. I have to make responsible decisions and manage my time. I am excited to see how I will grow as a student and a person to achieve these things. I am now in charge of my destiny. It is frightening to think I’m on my own and responsible for myself, but I am also excited at the same time. My goal in college is to get a good education and make my parents proud. Although I don’t know what I want to do with my life yet, hopefully by experiencing different things it will help me decide. I want to make goals for myself and keep to them, like getting good grades, and making friends.

I am on the gymnastics team here at SCSU. My roommate is a gymnast and she is also from New Jersey like me. We didn’t really know each other too well but at least we knew each other before we came here. I met the rest of the team and already feel like they are my family. We do everything together and it makes it an easier transition knowing I have people here for me. Because I am on a sports team, I feel it is easier to make friends because you have things in common and spend a lot of time with each other.