Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Week at College!

My college experience is different than other college students. I am on a sports team, so I have my teammates here with me which I have already met. I came into college with a group of friends which made me feel secure. Unlike other people who come to college not knowing anyone, I already had my group of friends, which made it an easier transition. I was very nervous for classes and to be on my own, but I adapted quickly and it feels normal. I was very scared that I would get homesick and miss my friends and family, however being here with my team makes me feel comfortable and at home.

One of the things that were a challenge for me was the amount of work I got in my classes. In high school I didn’t have that much homework, however as soon as I started classes here there was a lot. In my high school I had hap which you could take as a class and you just did your homework. That was very helpful to me because I could get my work done, and get help if I needed to. Here because I am on a sports team, we have to go to study tables. It helps a lot because I have to go and I know I will get my work done. Although I was stressed about the work load, as time goes on, I’m sure I will get better at managing my time.

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