Saturday, October 30, 2010

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone.

 When I saw that for this weeks blogs we had to do something out of out comfort zone, I was nervous. I didn't know what to do because I don't like stepping out of my comfort zone. Usually when I go downtown I take a taxi, but I decided to try something different and take the bus. I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know who would be on the bus, if it was safe, and I didn't know where we were supposed to get off. We went to the bus station at 10:10 for the 10:20 bus. The bus didn't come until 10:50, which frustrated me. When the bus finally came, a ton of students got on as well. There was a lot of students on the bus going downtown for Halloween. They were being very loud and distracting, so the bus driver stopped the bus and wouldn't drive until everyone got off. My friends and I weren't being loud, so we got to stay on, but everyone else had to get off. There was other people on the bus going to work and they were getting really angry because no one was getting off the bus. I got scared because they were screaming at people and I thought there was going to be a fight, but there wasn't. We also took the bus on the way back. There was so many students waiting to get on the bus. A cop had to come and tell people to back up so the bus could open the doors. Everyone wanted to get on, so there was a lot of pushing and shoving. I was squished so much my feet were off the ground. We finally got on the bus and made it home fine. The experience was definitely out of my comfort zone, and I don't know if I would do it again. 

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