Friday, October 15, 2010

How Life Can Change in a Blink of an Eye.

I was the happiest girl in the world. I was finally going home for the first time since I came to school. However, it turned out to be the worst weekend of my life. I went home Friday and was so excited to be home. I saw my dog which I missed very much, and then I went downstairs to see my cats. When I went downstairs and saw one of my cats Blitz, I started crying. He was half the size he was before I left and had a huge lump on his back and a hole in it. We realized there was a lump on him a couple months ago, but it wasn’t bothering him so we didn’t think that much of it. The lump exploded a week before I got home so my dad took him to the vet. They said it was a tumor and he had to come back in a week and check if it was cancerous. So the Saturday I was home, we went to the vet in the morning and as soon as we got there the vet felt it and said it was aggressive cancer. My world came crashing down. I started crying hysterically and didn’t stop for days. I have never lost something I loved, so this was very hard for me. The vet said we should put him down because he was in a lot of pain. I spent the rest of the weekend with him and my parents put him down on Monday. It was the hardest thing I had to do leaving him knowing that I will never see him again. I love him very much and will always remember him. He was honestly one of the best cats in the world. He loved to jump on the sink and put his head under the water and get soaked. He was born on Christmas along with his brother Frosty who I love very much. He loved to cuddle and would come over as soon as you said his name. He listened very well and was a very playful cat. I know he is now out of pain and it is better for him, but I will always think about him, miss him and love him. I love you so much Blitz, RIP. 10/11/10.

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