Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Makes a Person Motivated?

My inquiry question is what makes a person motivated. For my project I am going to interview one or two coaches and a professor. I’m going to ask the coaches what makes an athlete motivated. I’m going to interview my coach for gymnastics. I am trying to think of another coach I could interview but I can’t think of one that I would be able to meet with and talk to. I’m going to ask the professor I interview about what makes a student motivated academically. I want to find the differences in what makes each, an athlete and regular student motivated as well as similarities. I feel like this might be difficult to find time to interview them. I am also going to interview a teammate and a regular student and compare what makes them motivated.  I feel like one of the biggest obstacles I will have is finding the time to interview people. For the most part, I know what I want to ask them and what I would like to accomplish for the project but finding time is going to be the problem. Also I am worried about putting the whole project together.  I am not experienced with technology. I don’t know how to do a lot of stuff using it which includes making videos. I don’t know how to cut the interviews I have and to only put the parts I want in a video. I am looking forward to learning how to do this so if I ever get any other projects like this one I will know what to do.

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