Friday, October 22, 2010

Midterm Video!!!

What Makes a Person Motivated Academically and Athletically?

I did my midterm project on motivation. I thought it was going to be very hard, which some of it was but overall it was a great learning experience. I learned how to use imovie. I learned how to edit videos, and make them more creative. It actually turned out to be pretty fun making this project. However, I got extremely frustrated at some points. When I tried to add a video clip in after I did everything else, it deleted one of my slides. I didn’t know how to get it back, so I had to redo that slide. I was very angry because I couldn’t figure out how to get it back. Also this made me not try to add anything else in because I thought other things would get deleted. Tyler was a big help in doing this project. He taught me how to use imovie and showed me how to put the project together. Also, interviewing the people, it was interesting to see their different perspectives on motivation. Many of them had similar opinions, but some had different which made it unique. Overall, this was a great learning experience. This will definitely help with future projects. I had fun interviewing the people, making the movie, and seeing the final video. I think for my first time doing this it came out very good!  

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