Saturday, October 16, 2010

Role of a Peer Mentor.

What is a peer mentor? A peer mentor is usually an older more experienced student that helps out new students.  They help people adapt to their new environment and help them if they need anything. In our Inquiry class, our peer mentor is Kaitlyn. She is a wonderful peer mentor. She is outgoing, very friendly and extremely helpful. When I first walked into class on the first day I was just expecting my teacher, but there was also an older student there. When we found out she was our peer mentor I was very excited. I knew this would be helpful because if I couldn’t get in touch with my teacher to figure something out, I could ask her. Although at first I was a little nervous to go and talk to her because she was an older student and didn’t know what she was like, I quickly found out she was very nice. I think Kaitlyn adds a positive energy to the class. She always has a smile on her face. What I have learned from Kaitlyn is that time management is important along with doing all of our work. Even if something isn’t fun, it has a purpose that will benefit us in the future. Managing all the work we do will help us in years to come and other classes we have. Overall, I enjoy Kaitlyn as our peer mentor and I think she contributes in the class. I feel comfortable asking her anything and I know she is there if I need her.

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