Saturday, October 30, 2010

Uh Oh Midterm Grades!!!

When I saw my midterm grades I was satisfied. I wasn’t very happy but I wasn’t really disappointed. High school was a lot easier because of the amount of work I had. My senior year of high school I never got homework. My classes were extremely easy and in order to get a good grade in the class I didn’t have to do much. However in college, it is the opposite. The work load is so much more and you have to study a lot in order to get good grades. I believe so far in the first semester, I have studied a good amount, but I know I need to study even more to get my grades to where I want them to be. I am happy with my English grade and I hope to maintain what it is now. My math grade was good until the midterm so I know I have to work hard to get it back to where I want it to be. I would like my inquiry grade to go up so I have to work harder and participate more. My Western Civilization grade is not good because I didn’t study as much as I should have on our first test. I have another test this week so I am really going to try to study a lot so I can do better and raise my grade. I am satisfied with my Italian grade but I would be very happy if I could get it up. So far I am satisfied with my grades but I am going to work very hard to get them to where I want them to be!

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