Saturday, October 9, 2010

When I Grow Up I Want to be....?

How do you figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life? Some people know what they want to do from the time they are little, others, don’t know for a long time. For me, I thought I knew up until a couple years ago. Ever since I was five years old, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I have always loved animals. I wanted to spend as much time as I could to care for them. When I was younger I had so many different pets, for example iguanas, hermit crabs, cats, a dog, and so many more. I loved exotic animals and one of my dreams was to own a large house and have a lot of horses. I wanted to take in hurt horses and take care of them and heal them. I thought being a veterinarian was perfect because I would get paid to do something I loved. I would get to help animals and be with them all day. I wanted this until about a year ago when I went to the vet for my dog. I talked to the vet and told her how I wanted to be one. She explained I would not have that much time to do other stuff I wanted too other than studying. Since I do gymnastics and I wanted a social life also, I thought I would not be able to handle trying to become a vet and all the work that came with it. She also said how competitive it was to make it in to veterinary school. It is even harder to get in than medical school. Since I have never loved studying I realized that this would probably not be a good choice for me.
I also thought of becoming an accountant. I have always loved math and am good at it so I took accounting my senior year. After taking that class I no longer wanted to be an accountant. The math parts were easy for me but the business part of it was very difficult. Although I don’t know what my major is yet I am hoping to decide one very soon.

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